There is a lot to learn when we listen to silence. It has this unique character of making us comfortable
Read MoreDon’t get scared by the abbreviation, this is no rocket science. This is the simplest idea which helped
Read MoreCreativity and Innovation are a very loosely used words now a days. If you want to see our student’s
Read MoreOn the special request from parents to make it easy for them to pay the fees.
Online Fee PaymentCampus and You software has been integrated to our communication platform. This school,
Read MoreSports; Undefeated champions for 13 years in senior girls throw ball. Now the junior girls trow-ball team..
Read MoreWe believe that everyone is a masterpiece of nature’s creation. Our mission is to devote our resources and technology to create superior learners and service motivated selves, there by contributing to a better global society. It is our belief that consistently make learning a fun, purposeful and challenging experience to trigger a thought beyond the slate.
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