JEE Mains were cracked by Sai Dutta at 98 percentile and Harshil at 92.7 percentile

By | March 6, 2023

Like we always say to the students and parents alike, it is not how many hours we sit before our books but how many quality hours are we spending in understanding hem. We gave this opportunity to our NIKETIANS to THINK BEYOND THE SLATE which propelled them to prepare par excellence. As actions speak louder than words, here’s the proof that JEE Mains were cracked by Sai Dutta at 98 percentile and Harshil at 92.7 percentile. This is no small feat as they have achieved this within the very normal school hours, with their work life balance intact.

Congratulations to Sai Dutta and Harshil for their hard work and disciplined approach, their parents for their resilience, the staff for their guidance and understanding the students.

Thank you for believing in us and our process of imparting knowledge and thank you for strengthening the belief in Subha Niketan System.

The saga shall continue….